Thursday, June 18, 2009

Moving is Never Easy...

You know, you would think after being married to the Coast Guard for almost 12 years and 4 moves I would be used to the whole move thing. It does not get any easier as time goes matter what anyone may tell you!

Yesterday was our pre-move inspection. Basically they come and look at what you have to try and figure out how many boxes to bring and how much paper they need to wrap everything. I don't really think it does anything because they always leave with tons of boxes and paper anyways. But, whatever makes them feel better. Tybee was not so happy with the scary man that came to the door to check out everything. He barked the entire time and would not let the man near me...I knew he would be protective if he felt the need but have never seen him behave like he did yesterday.

So now we press on and get things sorted, organized and labeled, of course, with my fun labeler. Many things are going onto the RV so trying to separate what goes and what stays for the packers can be tricky. I got the spices organized this morning...who knew I needed so many bay leaves...The final count was three jars...I am wondering when I actually used bay leaves!

So, I press on through the house...trying to make sure that everything is ready for the movers on the 29th!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Sarah! We can't wait til you guys get over here!
